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ducky booky

early reading

We introduce toddlers to reading through their favorite subject – food!

what we do

pre-reading tools for toddlers

The Story of Food

Encourage reading through the pre-schoolers number one interest – food.

Encourage Eating

Encourage reading, and also encourage eating as children discover the story of food.

Major Languages

Some books available for pre-reading in major languages.

English as a Second Language

Several Indian subcontinent languages available for ESL using local vegetable names.


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early learning

reading is the key

Simple Plots

The Story of Food

Early Reading

English and ESL

early learning

head start for children

Reading is your child’s key to independent discovery. Everyone learns better discovering subjects that they find the most fascinating.


digital distribution

Kindle allows us to get teaching materials to your children at the lowest cost. If you have a Kindle Unlimited account for you, then your children’s books are no additional cost.

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